Rodney Harris Joins OREMC Crew in Hilliard
Rodney Harris debated being a truck driver or an electrical lineworker. His father was a lineman, and his grandfather a foreman, both of whom worked for Sumter Utilities. They wanted Harris to go into the military, but he instead decided to follow in their footsteps and is Okefenoke REMC’s newest lineman working out of the Hilliard, Florida, office.
Born and raised in Brantley County, Harris says he was not unfamiliar with OREMC, knew it was a good place to work and close to home. Prior to joining OREMC, Harris previously worked for electrical contractors Sumter Utilities and PIKE Electric. While at PIKE he was assigned to the crew working in tandem with the co-op’s Hilliard crew, so he also knew some of the guys.
“While working with PIKE, Rodney gained familiarity with our system, practices and members,” notes OREMC Operations Manager Travis Page. “Combined with his work experience there and with Sumter Utilities, he was a good candidate for our apprentice program, and fit in well with our guys in Hillard.”
Working outside, the people he works with and being close to home combine to make his job at OREMC a perfect fit for Harris—especially since his family recently grew by two with the birth of twin boys, joining two older brothers. As he notes, “I got to be where I wanted.”