Considering Solar? Call Before You Install
As your trusted energy advisor, OREMC can help you make smart energy investments, including right-sizing a rooftop solar installation to best meet your needs, goals and financial objectives. We can help you understand your current electricity use, the many important factors to consider with a rooftop solar installation and what you can expect to gain from your investment.
Review the resources on this page and call us at 800-262-5131 to speak with one of our experienced energy advisors.
Resources .png)
Is Rooftop Solar Right for You?
Ask yourself these questions to determine if a rooftop solar installation makes sense for your electricity needs and financial goals.
Rooftop Solar FAQs
Your most commonly asked rooftop solar questions, answered.
Questions to Ask a Solar Installer
From expected electricity generation to financing arrangement, be sure to ask a solar installer these important questions.
Solar Options: Cooperative vs. Rooftop Solar
As a Name EMC member, you have several options for solar energy, including our Cooperative Solar program and/or a rooftop solar installation. Learn the key differences. (Remove if not applicable)
Solar Assessment Tool
Use our solar assessment tool to calculate estimated costs and savings should you decide to install solar, and learn how those costs compare to your current OREMC usage and billing. The results will be helpful in discussing sizing options and potential savings with your solar installer.
Plugged In Podcast: Straight Talk on Solar
Many solar contractors have an aggressive sales pitch promising savings and paybacks that often are not true. Check out our conversation with OREMC Member Services Manager Dewayne Johns regarding solar misconceptions and frequently asked questions that all too often happen after a solar installation instead of before.
Interconnection Agreement: Download Info Packet and Application
Review and complete OREMC's interconnection agreement prior to a rooftop solar installation to ensure your system meets important safety and reliability requirements.
OREMC’s energy advisors are here to help.
Call before you install!
or use our solar inquiry form